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Sunday, 27 October 2013

How to lose fat??

So the big question is; How do we lose fat? 

There are two very simple rules that you'll have to follow:


So that includes, ANY food with a high sugar content (sweets, chocolate, alcohol). Transfatty foods (spreads), gluten, yeast, high carb things (pizza, rolls, soft drinks, etc) and really anything that is processed..... If you're unsure what foods to eat, live by this rule:


Meat, veg, fruit and even dairy (but that's another day) all go off - which means they are food. Things that have a shelf life of three years, are not food. They have been processed in a factory. So anything that lives in a box is a no-no!   

We all know it. But why do we still not do it??? Because sweets & chocolate taste go good...  

But do you know what else is good? 

So keep your cheat meals to something that you really love, a pizza or whatever, to encourage you to be good during the week and enjoy your well deserved cheat meal then :)

My top tip is this: if you are having your cheat meal, make sure to take Omega 3 fish oils during, or after your meal. This will help lower the glycemic load of the food, this means the sugar won't affect you as much!

For rule number two, stay tuned :)

Happy Halloween!!

Erica xx

Saturday, 19 October 2013

Luscious Lips

How can we get these:

If we have these:

I'm even noticing now waking up with REALLY dry lips... lovely, I know. So cracked/chapped lips, ulcers and cold-sores are on the horizon ESPECIALLY at this time of year. And I promise after todays blog there are going to be no more GORGEOUS pictures...

So I met my Mother yesterday and as we were having a bowl of soup, she told me that she had an ulcer in her mouth that was driving her mad... So she went to the chemist and bought some ulcer-iee cream. Now what's the problem with that? The problem is, is that it's going to go away and come back again in a couple of weeks and she'll think it's just another one. 

So obviously that's not solving the solution. Your skin is the last stop for things to appear on. So when something does appear on your skin, you need to hit it from the inside first. Makes sense doesn't it? Stress is one of the big factors for these little beauties, so sort your stress levels out and give you immune system a good boost. 

If you get cold-sores, dry/chapped lips, cracked lips or ulcers you need to treat yourself to this:

It's an little aloe stick which is sooooo soothing for your lips. It'll last you months and it is anti-viral (so you can apply when you have an ulcer and apply when you don't have one), anti-septic and anti-pyritic. It's a mighty midget that you can put on anything (even like insect bites, because it takes the itch away). It is a multi-purpose product BUT it's a must have in your pockets for Winter. 

I also use this toothgel (it contain's no flouride and it has propolis - remember that bee stuff - see this blog to know what propolis does :)) It's brill and it got voted BEST whitening toothgel in the states by Readers Digest - which is pretty cool. 

But it's just brilliant for any thingies that appear in your mouth. 

Have a Super Dooper Sunday :)

ps. Next week - our new healthy cook book!

Shop :)

Friday, 18 October 2013

Winter effects on our skin :(

I love this feeling:

OK, so the respiratory problems - check
Skin problems... here we go

So thanks to the environment, the cold winds, the drop in temperature, the drying air, the central heating being on more and the fires these can all effect our skin, so PREPARE!

*** Please note: all topical creams should be used on your skin 3 times per day throughout the cold season

1. My FAVOURITE = Propolis Cream
So remember yesterday all the fun bee things I told you... that's the same stuff, except now it's mixed with aloe gel and it forms a cream :) I love this cream. It's so thick and creamy, gorgeous on your skin esp. in Winter. You need to test it first (some people can be allergic to lanalin - which is from the bee's so just do a little patch test behind the ear - if it becomes red or itchy, don't use)

This is brill general protection, if your skin cracks or dry skin (it's a nice hand cream too and i've had brilliant results for eczema & psoriasis customers using this product). It's great for outdoor winter sports as it stops water from breaking through your face :)

If the propolis isn't your friend - try the our moisturising cream. I REALLY like this one too :)

The GELLY is my first aid kit. I put it on anything weird and wonderful!
My recent experiences:

Burn your hands = gelly
Nappy rash = gelly
Slice your thumb open hacking wax off a candle holder = gelly
Sun burn = gelly
Ulcers = gelly
Teething = gelly
My dogs conjunctivitis = gelly
Chickenpox = gelly
Cradlecap = gelly
(the list goes on)

The gelly is so protective and soothing. It takes the itch out of things too, so it's so handy to have :)

You can put it in, on or up ;)

More tomorrow on those lovely cold-sores and ulcers :)

Shop here :)

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Respiratory System Problemos!

OK so some more exciting things to help fight off our respiratory system problemos! 

Echinacea Supreme (I take as a preventative or when first signs happen  :)

  • Contains a highly prized form of echinacea (containing purpurea and angustifolia)
  • Can help support the immune function 
  • Contains goldenseal and grapeseed extract
  • Helps maintain good health

Formula Ingredients
Serving size: 2 Tablets Amount Per Serving
Proprietary Blend 500mg
Echinacea purpurea (whole herb) *
Echinacea angustifolia (root) *
Goldenseal (root) 300mg*
Grapeseed extract 100mg*
* Daily Value not established.

Immunoblend ( I  take as a preventative :)

  • Fructooligosaccharides – promote healthy levels of probiotic bacteria in the digestive system.
  • Lactoferrin – supports immune cell production and helps maintain optimum levels of beneficial bacteria in the intestines
  • Maitake & Shiitake Mushrooms – support immune cell production and cardiovascular function
  • Vitamin D – strengthens immune cells
  • Vitamin C –fights free radicals
  • Zinc – fights free radicals and supports immune cell production

This exclusive formula addresses all aspects of immune system function, providing both foundational nutrients required for a healthy immune system and natural botanicals that work synergistically to support immune function.

Bee Propolis (Some people take small dose as a preventative or high dose when get sick)

  • Natural immune support            
  • Fortified with royal jelly   
  • Contains many trace elements
  • Helps maintain a healthy respiratory system

Without going into too much detail about how amazing the bee's are, something interesting about bee propolis is... Basically the bee's line the inside of the hive with this propolis to keep it sterile. Some say that it is more sterile that an operating theatre. Also when a foreign creature enters the bee hive, like a fly - obviously the bee's can't kick it the dead fly out. So they wrap it in propolis to mummify it so it doesn't spread infection in the hive!! I love our bee propolis supplements, they are life savers if I ever get sick :)

If you want to stay clear from the flue, you could take 2-3 per day OR if you ever get sick you can take anything from 8-12 per day (that's what I do, it worked a treat last Winter)


Our amazing HONEY

Pure Honey

17.6 oz (1.1 LB.) (0.5 KG)
Suggested Use
Can be eaten alone or as a natural food sweetener
  • Convenient dispensing feature
  • Provides quick energy
  • Natural sweetener, easily digested

Ps. Handy with some lemon juice & whiskey to soothe your throat :)

Tomorrow I'll be back with the effects of dry skin. 

Elton says Goodnight! 

PPS. If you want to order any of the above, please click HERE

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Our main man this Winter!

OK so I mentioned there on Sunday that throughout this week, I was going to chat about some of the supplements that I think are going to really help battle the temperature drop in relation to our immune system.

OK, so first of all, the problems we all run into in Autumn/Winter revert from respiratory problems!

Aloe Vera Gel = keeps the immune system in good shape :)

This beautiful yellow bottle works wonders in helping many things but I would be here all night talking about all of it's properties so I'm just going to give you pointers on how it's going to help you throughout the cold seasons.

It is bio-available (this means that your body recognises it and all of this amazing properties. This is a big MAJOR point. If you go out and buy some really expensive supplements and it's not bio-available, you are just going to excrete it. What a waste of money, so the fact that this gel is recognised by our bodies is a BIG help!

Aloe vera is a long chain sugar (polysaccharide) this basically effects our cytokine system (which are the chemical messengers of the immune system). This then acts in a way that balances our system = aloe vera gel is a immunomodulator.

Some of the main minerals & vitamins NATURALLY found in aloe are;
- Calcium
- Sodium
- Magnesium
- Manganese
- Copper
- Zinc
- B12
- Vitamin A
- B group vitamins
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin E
- Folic Acid
- 19 out of 20 amino acids
- 7 out of 8 essential amino acids (our body cannot make these ones!)

How much to drink?

Adults 100 mls minimun per day (older adults and children need less)
(one shot in the morning - before you eat anything & one shot around 4pm OR at night before bed)

Tomorrow... More on the respiratory system helping supplements!! :)

Remember if you want to order your bottles, have a root in my Shop :)

(ps. remember I am not a doctor, facts from this blog are ref. from Dr. Peter Atherton, but all tips are what I do and since they work for me and my immune systems over the past few winters, hopefully they'll help you. #preventionratherthancure)

Sunday, 13 October 2013

Change your thinking, change your life

Good morning girls, 

Cold Autumn Sunday morning - love them :) 

So throughout the week, i'm going to be posting up all the best defences now for coming into the Winter months. We have a lots of different problems in Winter compared to Summer like;

1. Our immune system is what we need to hit to stay healthy.
2. Our skin, because it's going to react with the cold windy air. 
3. The Winter Blues can be a problem for some people (Seasonal Affected Disorder = SAD)

So i'm going to post my favourite supplements and little tips up throughout the week on that :)

For this morning though, I want to share with you this little clip. I just LOVE it. Like I want to cry every time I watch it because I feel so motivated and ambitious afterwards. I've actually started to watch it every night (for the past two weeks I have). I like going to bed feeling positive, feeling excited, feeling happy about my life and my future; this clip ticks all the boxes. 

In the past two weeks I've received LOTS of exciting news… Which i'm going to be announcing very soon. News in relation our gym #tfa The Fitness Agency. So watch this space because it IS very exciting!!!

Happy Sunday! 

And remember, the only person who is stopping you achieving ANYTHING that you want in life. Is you… So move out of your own way! 

Love Erica xx

Sunday, 6 October 2013

Home-made Protein Balls

One thing I'd like to point out. I really love baking BUT if I bake, I eat everything... SO I don't bake.

So during the week, I did a little baking experiment which turned out GREAT :)

So I made little yummy protein balls.

Forever Ultra Lite Aminotean Protein Shake (1.5 scoops)
Organic Peanut Butter (1 tablespoon)
Almond Milk (30 mls)
Organic Porridge Oats (1/2 mug)
Mixed Seeds (half a mug)
Dried fruit (small handful)
Flaked almonds (2-3 tablespoons)

Put all the ingredients into a bowl
Mix together with a wooden spoon!
Make small little balls
Pop onto a tray and into the oven (Gas 4 (160 degrees))
Turn after 5 minutes and leave in the oven for another 5

They taste awesome and are a superb snack or breaki!!! Absolutely delish with a cup of herbal tea :)