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Saturday, 28 December 2013

New Year, New You!

Good Morning Girls!!

OK, so you can decide right this second if you want 2014 to be as good as 2013, or even better!! I know that I want to make progress this year in terms of my fitness, so if you do, I've designed a little progress report that you can download and print off. 

Now the key to making dreams a reality is to actually physically see it! So use this progress report and stick it up somewhere that you can see it every day. 

So, fill out the correct information and watch your results happen over the next 12 months! I'm looking forward to starting mine on Wednesday!! To download this PDF, please click here (dropbox)

But you see, I think this is key!

I'm also going to offer food plans and workouts for any of you girls who want kick ass this year and get where you want to be!! Please just private mail me on facebook

Have a fantastic new year and just remember...

Healthy Regards, 
Erica xx

Sunday, 22 December 2013

Tis the season to be jolly...

Fa La La La La, La La La La....

Christmas time really is the most wonderful time of the year, so... ENJOY IT!! You are allowed to indulge (a little) :)

My advice for the festive season of celebrating:

1. Nibbles! 
Nibbles are lethal, you're sipping your bubbly and before you know it you've eaten have a bag of tortillas, handfuls of salted nuts and copious amounts of Roses. Either ditch the nibbles or limit them to 1-2 swallows per drink...

2. Drink
Now, just because you're limiting your nibbles to your number of drinks does not mean you have to drink faster! Watch the booze, it'll lead to more food and an uncontrollable amount of junk the following day. I'm not saying no drinking this season, I'm just saying no binging!

3. Exercise
You know that you really don't want to wake up on January 2nd and realise that all your hard work in 2013 has been undone in two weeks! That won't be fun! Get some sessions in! Most gyms will be open and I'll put up the daily workouts for the Xmas holidays so at least thats 10-20mins a day. Trust me - you'll feel SO much better if you do it :)

4. Drink LOTS of water
Water does so many wonderful things to our bodies, but it really is vital for us when we consume alcohol! Alcohol completely dehydrates us, so it is essential that you're drinking your 2-3 litres of water per day!

5. Have fun & be jolly.

Happy Christmas
Erica xx

Sunday, 8 December 2013

Weight Training While Pregnant

Morning girls, ok one thing I need to get straight before I start, this blog is about women who are ALREADY FIT and who have ALREADY been weight training BEFORE they got pregnant :)

So, you're pregnant, you are a gym bunny and your worried about continuing your training regime in the gym? Well the first this to do is;

- Talk to your doctor (if it's a-ok to continue what you've been doing) then
- Talk to your personal trainer

There are two things that are going to have to hit home (they sound obvious, but most women need gentle reminders about it throughout their pregnancy)

1. You body IS going to change
2. Your training goals CANNOT BE about achieving your fastest time or heaviest lifts aka you training goals HAVE to be about maintaining your existing fitness level, keep strength and having fun!

"combining regular exercise and pregnancy appears to benefit both mother and baby in many ways" American College of Sports Medicine
Training throughout the 9-months

Within the first twelve weeks, I seem to find that most mothers are too nauseous to train, if thats the case then that's ok! If it's not the case then you can continue to train. You need to make sure that you listen to your body when you're training and that you're taking much longer rests (where you used to take 45 seconds change to 90 or 120 seconds).

You do need to be careful that you're not doing a serious about of impact as you are now heavier and this is going to have an impact on your joints.

In general I would just recommend basic programs which allows you to release all your endorphins, keep you happy, keep you strong and keep you lean so that you're weight gain is baby weight gain which is awesome!

An example of a pre-natal program;  

a1. Stiff Leg Deadlift x 10 reps
a2. Incline Chest Press x 12reps
120sec rest, 4 sets

b1. Step Ups x 12reps/leg
b2. Lat Raises x 15 reps
120sec rest, 4 sets

Please remember that you should be sticking to very healthy diet, just because you're pregnant doesn't mean that you're eating for two!! You should be adding about 300kcal onto your diet and more if you're training hard. Make sure that all your food is rich in vitamins and minerals, avoid processed food and continue drinking lots and lots of water!

"A physically active expectant mother would therefore have a higher caloric need, in order to compensate for calories burned off during strenuous exercise...  
well hydrated, fit pregnant women regulate their core body temperatures more efficiently than sedentary people, and undergo less temperature variation during exercise. " American College of Sports Medicine

Classes & Pre-Natal Classes

To be honest, I don't really recommend a pregnant lady attending a general class unless your trainer know's exactly how to adapt the class to tailor your. You should really be doing one-to-one training.

However, in terms of pre-natal classes - go for them!! Pre-natal Yoga and Pilates are amazing for helping mums to be become aware of their body, their breathing and their pelvic floor!! Plus they're generally relaxing and when you're pregnant YOU DO need to do relax and chill!!

TIP for your PF:

Pull your PF up as high as you can at every red light!!

" participation in regular weight-bearing exercise has been shown to improve maternal fitness, restrict weight gain without compromising fetal growth, and hasten postpartum recovery. In addition, the psychological benefits of exercise are undeniable, and should be nurtured by all who care for pregnant women. " American College of Sports Medicine

Ps. Thank you to our model above (isn't she awesome training hard!) who is 7 months pregnant and looking, training and eating great! 

Monday, 2 December 2013

Fitness Advent Calendar!

Day One!!!

Monday Evening 2/12/2013 - if you haven't trained today do this NOW (or if you have, you could be really good and do it also)

- 15 Burpies
- 20 Push Ups
- 60 Mountain Climbers
- 20 Leg Raises
- 1x30s Plan

Go on... it'll take about 4 minutes! DO IT!

If you're feeling really good.... you could do it 3 times!!!

ps. Don't dilly dally.... just do it, fast burpies and keep good technique on all!

Sunday, 1 December 2013

Fat Free for Christmas

OK, feeling festive?? Here's some fun tips to help you get through this festive season!! 

Workout for today - are you going to the gym??

Fit Festive Program 1

a1. Barbell Squat (10Reps) (elevate your heels if needed, so you're squatting ass to grass)
a2. DB Lunge & Reach (20Reps) (touch back knee down, db's in line with front foot, make sure you hit both ends of the dumbbells off the floor)
a3. Dumbbell Row (15Reps) (make sure your back is flat, tip the db's off your shoulder & pause)
45 second rest, 4 sets

b1. Back Extension w/ Reach (15Reps) (light enough plate, stretch out at the top)
b2. Decline DB Triceps Extensions (20Reps) (lock your arms out at the top)
b3. Leg Raises - Abs (20Reps) (legs straight)
b4. Upper Ab Crunches (20Reps) (pause and squeeze you're tummy at the top)
45 second rest, 4 sets

c1. Burpies (10Reps)
c2. Push Ups (15Reps)
c3. Mountain Climbers (30sec)
c4. Squat Jumps (10Reps)
c5. Lunge Hold (20sec)
c6. Plank (30sec)
NO rest! 3 sets 

Girls, enjoy!! 

Erica xx

ps, I did it yesterday, it was hard, but a good session! Make sure that you're lifting heavy enough!