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Saturday, 25 October 2014

Choc - Coconut Protein Balls

Good morning girlies,

Hope you're all happy and healthy :)

I know, a lot people want to start baking protein healthy treats, but are a bit unsure and don't have many of the ingredients that a lot of recipes need you to have. So today, I made a very simple yet delicious cacao treat :)

Yum yum yum!!
So, what you'll need:

- 60g Chocolate protein (I like this one...)
- 1 tsp Honey (I like this one...)
- 1 tbs Designated Coconut (keep more for later)
- 1 tbs Ground Almond
- 1 tbs Coconut Oil
- 2 tsp Vanilla Essence
- 1 tbs Chocolate Chips (only a few...)

What you'll have to do for 5 minutes to make these treats:

- Mix all the dry ingredients together
- Melt the coconut oil and throw in the wet ingredients
- Roll into little balls and cover in designated coconut
- Place in the fridge and enjoy with some herbal tea


Enjoy them and have a lovely bank holiday weekend :)

Erica xx

Saturday, 11 October 2014

Are you healthy???

Hi girls,

Okay, so we're in Autumn. I love Autumn, scarves, boots, tights, jumpers... layers... they all come back :) Wahoo!!

So, today, i'm going to talk about "health". What is health??

Health is the ability to adapt to our environment and maintain optimal function. 

So, being very healthy, means that our bodies can adapt and handle any situation. So like, let's take the example of food poisoning. If someone who is not very healthy gets food poisoning, the result is... you're in bed vomiting for two weeks. If you are very healthy, you have a bit of a dodgy tummy for two days. Same thing with a cold, not very healthy... you're in bed, full on man flue, runny nose, sore ears, sore throat, can't eat, can't move and in bed for two weeks. If you're a healthy bunny... 1-2 days feeling weak... then you're back to your bubbly self.

How healthy are you? What has your year, sickness, been like?

Did you know that the average women in the UK, pops 60 Paracetamol/ Ibuprofen, per year... How mental is that!! Overdosing in pills like this is a road to High Blood Pressure.

Digestion, circulation and absorption are just some of the jobs that your body has to do every second of the day. Your body is a network that needs to communicate together - you are the guardian of your body. Treat it well.

Your immune system is the doctor within you. Your immune system identifies the body's enemy and destroys it. Strength of our immune system is based on optimal vitamins and minerals, another reason why we need to supplement. Our food, environment and lifestyle depletes our vitamins and minerals in our body. For example, one cigarette, depletes 25mg of Vitamin C or the fact that B Vitamins are depleted by alcohol, stress or a dirty digestive system. Please remember, 80% of the average person's diet is sugar... Sugar causes an imbalance, it does many things, but it uses up chromium in our body. Our bodies NEED chromium to build muscle (exercise depletes chromium too, so we need to supplement it!). If we have low chromium levels, our B vitamins get depleted and if we are deficient in B vitamins, we feel low.... :(

There was a study done - an orange was picked and it contained 180 mg of Vitamin C. By the time it arrived in the store it had 60mg of Vit C!!! All the goodness lost in the travels!

For you to get the correct amount of Vitamin A, you need to eat 10 organic carrots a day, how many do you eat per day? And to get recommended amount of Vitamin E, you need to eat 10g of Wheatgerm... Anyone?

So, are you healthy???

If you want some advice on what to do to get healthy, click here and send me your email, so I can get in touch with you via email.

Link to healthiness!

Have a great Sunday,
Erica xx

Ps. Something's coming......

Saturday, 4 October 2014

My Forever Story + Holiday Guidelines

Hi girls,

Want to change things up a little... so my blog today is on video :)

No equipment workout:

a1: Step Ups x20
a2: Push Ups x20
a3: Burpies x20
a4: Wall sit x30sec
3-6 sets

b1: Full Sit Ups x20
b2: Leg Raises x20
4 sets

For details on how you can start your Forever business, pop your email in the link below and I'll get back to you as fast as humanly possible :)


Erica xx