Open your diary... How many nights out have you got over the next 5 weeks...? I would imagine, loads. Christmas is a wonderful time of the year and lets be fair, you've worked hard training and eating clean this year, so it's ok to let your hair down!
There are loads of tips to be shared around Christmas, but here are three for this morning!
1. Eat.
Continue to eat well, everyday, keep eating clean. Eat before you go out (unless you're going out for food, then go hungry), but if you eat before you go out for drinks, it'll stop you nibbling or ordering junk food. I know most women like going out hungry, because they feel leaner.... If you're hungry, your willpower will need to be stronger and with 5 vodka's in you... your judgement may be tainted.
Throughout the festive season, I'll post up on instagram great dinners to eat before you go out. One's that'll fill you, but not make you bloated.
2. Water.
I feel like a broken record when it come's to the water topic, but seriously, we don't drink enough of it. Water is key! When we drink alcohol, we get massively dehydrated, so it's vital that you're
drinking loads of water everyday throughout the holidays. Drink a glass of water in between each drink too. You'll be amazed at how much it helps!
3. Make a commitment.
Before you go out, have decided that no matter what happens that night, you will not binge eat the next day. We all know that the biggest problem with night's out is the next day, where we want nothing else apart from a Pizza or Chinese take away and coke. DON'T DO IT!!!!!
Have food in your house and MAKE yourself eat well! I'm not saying that you'll always stay committed to your commitment, but it you make one with yourself, there's more of a chance.
Hope these three help! I'll post up more over the festive season :)
Erica xx
(Go to the gym, even if you're dying.... go! 10 minutes on a bike will make you feel better.)
Hangover Protocol:
- Water
- Heap load of supplements
- Water
- Shower
- Water
- Eat - eggs
- Herbal Tea
- Water - healthy snack
- Gym - do anything
- Water
- Lunch - healthy, but filling
- Water - herbal tea - supplements - healthy snack
- Dinner
- Water
- Herbal Tea
- Water
- Bed - early.
Open your diary... How many nights out have you got over the next 5 weeks...? I would imagine, loads. Christmas is a wonderful time of the year and lets be fair, you've worked hard training and eating clean this year, so it's ok to let your hair down!
There are loads of tips to be shared around Christmas, but here are three for this morning!
1. Eat.
Continue to eat well, everyday, keep eating clean. Eat before you go out (unless you're going out for food, then go hungry), but if you eat before you go out for drinks, it'll stop you nibbling or ordering junk food. I know most women like going out hungry, because they feel leaner.... If you're hungry, your willpower will need to be stronger and with 5 vodka's in you... your judgement may be tainted.
Throughout the festive season, I'll post up on instagram great dinners to eat before you go out. One's that'll fill you, but not make you bloated.

I feel like a broken record when it come's to the water topic, but seriously, we don't drink enough of it. Water is key! When we drink alcohol, we get massively dehydrated, so it's vital that you're
drinking loads of water everyday throughout the holidays. Drink a glass of water in between each drink too. You'll be amazed at how much it helps!
3. Make a commitment.
Before you go out, have decided that no matter what happens that night, you will not binge eat the next day. We all know that the biggest problem with night's out is the next day, where we want nothing else apart from a Pizza or Chinese take away and coke. DON'T DO IT!!!!!
Have food in your house and MAKE yourself eat well! I'm not saying that you'll always stay committed to your commitment, but it you make one with yourself, there's more of a chance.
Hope these three help! I'll post up more over the festive season :)
Erica xx
(Go to the gym, even if you're dying.... go! 10 minutes on a bike will make you feel better.)
Hangover Protocol:
- Water
- Heap load of supplements
- Water
- Shower
- Water
- Eat - eggs
- Herbal Tea
- Water - healthy snack
- Gym - do anything
- Water
- Lunch - healthy, but filling
- Water - herbal tea - supplements - healthy snack
- Dinner
- Water
- Herbal Tea
- Water
- Bed - early.