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Sunday 3 November 2013


So, getting back to our BIG QUESTION?


Well like I said, there are two main simple rules! The first rule is to stop eating crap and the second is to;


You need to: 
1. Weight Train 
2. Do high intensity cardio intervals
3. Stop chatting and taking so much rest

So just to briefly expand on these bullet points. 

1. You need to WEIGHT TRAIN!

Why? Because you need to build muscle (no you will NOT get bulky - women do NOT produce enough testosterone to increase muscle dramatically!)this means that not only will your RMR (resting metabolic rate) be elevated but the amount of calories you burn during the 24 hour post workout will be much higher. 
(e.g. When you go for a run, you are burning calories while you are running, but as soon as you get in the front door, you've stopped. Compared to weight training where you are still burning post 24 hours after your workout. You do the maths!)

2. High Intensity Cardio Intervals will leave you butchered, which is how you want to feel after you have been training. If you're going to spend an hour in the gym, make it a beneficial one! It is fact that short intervals result in higher fat loss in relation to long aerobic programs. 

3. Stop taking 3-7 minutes of rest. Put your phone away, stop talking to other people. You need to have discipline when it comes to time keeping, otherwise you're wasting valuable fat loss time. Realistically, you are in charge of your workout (Yes a personal trainer will really help) but if your workout is "too easy" YOU'RE not pushing yourself hard enough. Yeah, we could all do 20 burpies over 10 minutes, try do them in 60 seconds, thats a different story altogether! 

I don't want to drag on, so over the next couple of weeks, I'm going to focus on fat loss tips and ways to speed up the process of burning fat. There are other factors like stress, sleep, supplements, program design etc. so stay tuned :)


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