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Tuesday 27 August 2013

See what makes you smile!

Mindset makes a difference. This is true. 

Scenario: You wake up, the sun is shining, the dogs didn't pee in the kitchen & the countertop is clean from last nights dinner - yippee - it's going to be a great day! You go up & get dressed, check yourself out in the mirror, you're looking good!

The the next thing, your boss rings & that's never a good sign... You put down the phone & you're annoyed now!

You go back to brush your teeth & you now "look like s**t".
(If this has never happened to - you're a lucky duck!)

The ONLY thing that has happened is that your good mood turned bad... BECAUSE YOU LET IT! You feeling upset/bad/annoyed whatever the circumstance may be, makes no difference to the existing problem, it only makes a difference to you!

You look EXACTLY the same as you did ten minutes earlier, you just FEEL different. However, the only difference was your mindset! So find a solution to stop this happening.

Soooo pick something you like, something that you love (I love flowers) and when you see it - feel grateful & happy. I keep flowers in my kitchen, in the garden, when I drive, there in other people's gardens, they're outside shops, they're everywhere - they're my constant reminder of everything I have to be grateful for.

Choose whatever you love and let it be a trigger to remind you of all the things in life that your love!

This is a long topic which ill tap in & out of over time!

Have a happy evening girls :)

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